Benefits of organisational development
If you look up the meaning of organisational development (OD) you may end up more confused about the definition than you were prior to your search. Given that, we are not going to delve into the semantics of definitions in this post, rather we are going to discuss the benefits you can reap from OD. However, in order for us to be on the same page in terms of the context of what we will be talking about, we will give a very simplified explanation of what organisational development is – it is developing your organisation in a systematic way in order to improve organisational effectiveness while keeping people at the heart of the process. You can choose to delve more into the definition beyond what we have provided but for the purposes of this post, which is to help you see the benefits of OD, this will suffice.
The aim for most businesses is to grow and if that is an objective you are actively working towards then it is likely you are already implementing some type of organisational development without realising it. For example, you may be in the process of hiring the right talent, taking steps to create a conducive environment for your employees to perform well, or putting in place systems to help boost your personnel’s performance. If you are already on the right track that is fantastic, however, if your efforts are not coordinated and communicated throughout the organisation and intentionally and systematically implemented, you may not reap their full benefit in the long run. The key word when it comes to OD is “systematic”.
So what are some of the benefits of organisational development? While OD can be applied to achieve different goals based on your particular objectives, the key benefit that is applicable across the board is continuous improvement. As a business grows and evolves so should its systems in order to ensure efficiency and customer satisfaction. By continually improving you processes and offering you can achieve higher levels of performance and effectiveness.
Once you are able to improve your current position you are better poised to ensure your future growth and success. Having a well thought and implemented OD strategy, does not only help you do well today, but it also helps you to better prepare for tomorrow allowing you identify and plan for new market opportunities and further growth; and with improved performance now and in the future shareholders are sure to be happy with the value created.
With people being at the centre of any OD initiative, in intentionally pursuing this course of action you are bound to pay closer attention to their needs. By better catering to your employees, you will almost certainly see a boost in morale and performance, which in turn will also contribute towards the realisation of the above-mentioned benefits. Furthermore, as you go through the process of organisational development, which will lead to changes that aim to improve the company, being people focused will also help ensure that change is better embraced and not resisted.
OD covers a wide scope and, likewise, the list of benefits can be lengthy, but at its essence it achieves one primary goal – improvement. Systematic implementation is key for successful organisational development as this is not something that happens by mistake, it must be purposeful and intentional. Additionally, OD is not a once off activity, it should be a constant process of evaluation and evolution. Whatever objectives you aim to achieve through OD, always keep in mind that your people are the ones who will determine your success or failure, and as the people experts with extensive experience in spearheading successful OD programs, you can find a reliable partner in Lorimak Africa (a Baker Tilly Network Member).